My thoughts from the last Passover feast
This is an experience of mine recently , right or wrong I am not trying to preach to anyone, I am just sharing an experience and an insight into what the feasts personally meant to me recently.
This recent Passover Matsah and Bikurim, Where a really fulfilling time for me, as I celebrated with my wife son and seven grandchildren. Then once they went home I celebrated the rest of the week according the feast of unleavened bread. This is where I hit a few problems regarding the yeast factor. I started becoming obsessed looking at the ingredients of food cans food packaging etc. One thing I did find out was extracted yeast is the result of obtaining yeast from the dregs of wines. According to this information the yeast is dead before the processing of the dead yeast chemicals is included in other foods (as extracted yeast) i.e. cans of soups gravies so on and so forth. I suppose that is why we are allowed the red wine at the feasts as the yeast is killed of by the alcohol so it is basically inert of yeast life. Anyway this thought hit me like a ton of bricks, “it is the symbolism”. Now I assume there is still life in the yeasted bread (though I cant be certain) once it has been baked i.e. the blue mould on bread accumulates after a certain time, I think perhaps the yeast in the bread has something to do with this. So although we fulfil in a literal way the feast of unleavened bread with the un-yeasted Matsah, I feel sure this is extremely symbolic of the sin we need to eliminate from our consciousness.
Now then the passage in scriptures “ the carnal mind is enmity against God” came to mind as well. May be this is from Paul’s writings not sure. I am sure that you will agree the leaven Yahusha talked about is sin. So therefore, although we adhere to eating matsah, there is actually no sin in yeasted bread because that would be to my way of thinking absurd. So the yeast therefore is symbolic of sin, so in doing without yeast and clearing it out of our home is symbolic of the way we should be getting rid of sin in our lives through walking in the Torah, the way to to sinlesness and perfection, through the understanding of Yahowah.
Where does all sin begin? It begins as a small amount of leaven in the human mind or dare I say it the carnal mind (the fleshly mind). Leaven is jealousy, leaven is lust, leaven is wrong desires. Thou shall’t not covet i.e. desire erroneously. I feel Yahusha expanded on the Torah writings and that’s one of the reasons why he came. Yahusha claimed “ye have heard it been said Thou shallt not commit adultery” but commenting on this further he revealed a great insight when he said “ that if thou look lustfully on a woman then thou has committed adultery with her in his heart” . So it seems to me that there is spiritual work to be done, by not thinking erroneously. So all fleshly desires are the result of the carnal mind influencing us if we allow them too. But this is the beauty of free will, we can and have the authority to stand guard at the portal the doorway or entrance to the human mind and allow only those thoughts which bring harmonious results. Pure Yahowah’ish thoughts have a desirous effect on the human body, healthy harmonious thoughts brings about a healthy body. Have you ever noticed how a small amount of envy (leaven) if allowed to take root it can consume the whole mind, therefore having adverse effects on the human body (the body most definitely suffers). Healthy Yahowah like thoughts of purity and innocence can make a man healthy in body and mind. Symbolically speaking leaven comes in all sorts of guises, jealousy, envy, cruelty, covetousness, lust, greed, etc etc. But cutting these things out before they take root in consciousness and therefore securing our well being is the least we can do. Because God is of purer eyes than to behold evil.
So in this context the carnal mind is enmity against Yahowah, whereas if the mind is pure it becomes acceptable unto Yahowah and is eternal. I think this mind then surely reflects the Mind of our God. I suppose it could be likened to a container of muddy water (leaven so to speak). If the clean pure spiritual water was poured in (our spiritual studies of the Torah) then it would eventually become crystal clear being then found in his likeness without a trace of leaven (sin) and thus eternal. But this obviously takes times , but by walking to perfection through observing the Torah, we will become perfect like our God.
Please note I am just conveying and sharing my own experience during this past week or two.