This is an updated revision of the previous listings. a key is provided to show the changes made, and also help make sense of the instances that are not seemingly cut and dry. This is a corrected version of the list found at:" onclick=";return false;
YHWH replaced with Adonai by the Masorete scribes 134 instances, as follows, according to the official list given in the Massorah: (Ginsburg' ed. of The Massorah, §§107-15.)
Beresheeth[Genesis] 18:3,27,30,32; 19:18; 20:4.
Shemoth[Exodus] 4:10,13; 5:22; 15:17; 34:9,9.
Bemidbar[Numbers] 14:17.
Yahu-Shuah[Joshua] 7:8.
Shopheteem[Judges] 6:15; 13:8.
Melakheem[1Kings] 3:10,15; 22:6.
Melakheem[2Kings] 7:6; 19:23.
Yesha-Yahu[Isaiah] 3:17,18; 4:4; 6:1,8,11; 7:14,20; 8:7; 9:8,17; 10:12; 11:11; 21:6,8,16; 28:2; 29:13; 30:20; 37:24; 38:14,16; 49:14.
Yekhezk-Ail[Ezekiel] 18:25,29; 21:
13; 33:17,
Awmoce[Amos] 5:16; 7:7,8; 9:1.
Zakhar-Yahu[Zechariah] 9:4.
Meekah-Yahu[Micah] 1:2.
Tehilleem[Psalms] 2:4; 16:2; 22:
19,30; 30:8; 35:
3,17,22; 37:13; 38:9,15,22; 39:7; 40:17; 44:23; 51:15; 54:4; 55:9; 57:9; 59:11; 62:12; 66:18; 68:11,17,19,22,26,32; 73:20; 77:2,7; 78:65; 79:12; 86:3,4,5,8,9,12,15; 89:49,50; 90:1,17; 110:5; 130:2,
Dawnee-Ail[Daniel] 1:2; 9:3,4,7,9,15,16,17,19,19,19.
Ekah[Lamentation] 1:14,15,15; 2:1,2,5,7,18,19,20; 3:31,36,37,58.
Ezraw[Ezra] 10:3.
Nekhem-Yahu[Nehemiah] 1:11; 4:14.
Eiyobe[Job] 28:28.
(NOTE: Where verses are written twice or more, such as Shemoth [Exodus] 34:9,9 means there it has been changed 2 times within the same verse, and Dawnee-Ail[Daniel] 9:19,19,19 means there it has been changed 3 times within the same verse)
The following list shows where
YHWH was treated in the same manner, yet being replaced with Ailoheem: (Ginsburg' ed. of The Massorah, §§107-115.)
[Where the KJV (a.k.a.- A.V.) has "God"]
Dibre haYameem[1Chronicles] 13:
14,16; 16:
Tehilleem[Psalms] 14:1,2,5; 53:1,
Key to list above:
Underlined are corrected verse # from the internet listing
Red could not figure out why they are on the list
Purple, pick one or the other, but pick one and reinstall The Sacred Name in place of one of the instances of Ailoheem.
Red underlined italics could very well be Yah Yehowah ( ?)