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Apologies for downtime

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Apologies for downtime

Postby TWTY-Admin » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:27 pm

This is just a repeat of the message seen on the front page (http://www.thewaytoyahuweh.com/apologies-for-downtime" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;):

My apologies for the downtime that TWTY suffered this weekend.

Unfortunately, someone was engaged in a DDoS attack on the British server that the website is hosted on, so every website on this server was affected. Thankfully they appear to have sorted out the problem, and we are now back up and running :)

Sorry if people have been trying to access anything on TWTY – this is just one of the annoyances of the internet age!
TWTY website and forum Administrator.

Please respect everyone, and try to not get too heated when discussing one's point of view :)

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