From the website, these being the terms to receive the $10,000:
Deceptive and ignorant words are cheap these days and "religions" are full of them! We know that our claims here will be ridiculed by many ignorant and arrogant "religious authorities," so, to give you confidence, we are putting up not just a unique "money back anytime guarantee" but an unheard of $10,000 guarantee on every copy of The Original Scripture E1 that says "To the first 'The Original Scripture E1' purchaser who finds a USA legally published more accurate english translation of the Original Scriptures published before 2010 AD, we will give you $10,000!"
This is just as deceptive as the "religions" they claim to be against, as these people know full well that this is an impossible task, and goading people by offering them $10,000 is far from one who follows the Torah.
Also, their" onclick=";return false; page is incorrect too.
I was also having a look at" onclick=";return false; (which is just frankly horrible, to put it bluntly. A demented monkey on heroin could do better), and just look at their claims at the bottom of the page:
The Original Scripture E1 is the first truly accurate English translation from the original Scripture manuscripts in modern history! As you will see, they carry a wealth of eternal truth and Original Scriptural information never before available in our lifetime to the public or even to the best scholars! Welcome to the first and only truly accurate translation of The Original Scriptures - "The King's Covenant" (New Testament) in English history!
Most primary scholars will tell you "there are no true 'Original Scriptures' remaining!" That was true eight years ago, but no longer!
...However, our Savior assured us "heaven and earth will pass away before one YA or UW will pass away from The Word!" So where are these Perfect Scriptures? Modern scholars have never been able to produce them! Their lack of integrity or lack of love for Scriptural truth with the 13000 existing "near-original" texts disqualified them from handling the pure Word!
But now The Almighty has begun The Great Restoration, pouring out His Spirit upon all flesh! He has broken through our lack to save us! In late 2002 AD in the Middle East, a "seeker team" of youth ("youth shall lead them") found a 1970 year old library of true "Original Scriptures" carefully prepared for long centuries and sealed in tight clay jars, much like the Qumran Scrolls, which date from the time of the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD! These precious documents are being presently studied in ernest in a secure location in the East. Among these, Restoration scholars have found and carbon dated 7 AbrAHUW and Aramaic "Original Scripture Scrolls", excluding Revelations, which come from the lifetime of the MalakiYA (Apostles) and our Savior YAHUW the Eternal Loving King of YAsarel(MeoschiYAach)! They are in 100% perfect agreement with each other! At last, His Perfect Word is Restored for you!
So basically, these unnamed people "discovered" a few more clay jars like those found in Qumran/around the Dead Sea, have hidden them "in a secure location", (in the east? Where, Asia?) and then are claiming that this translation is the only "accurate" one around. Well yes, especially when you
conceal the supposed "manuscripts" you're working from, no one is able to check whether you're translating them correctly at all!
This is so ridiculously like how Joseph Smith brought about the Book of Mormon, I can only but laugh at how silly it all is. Oh dear.
Not to mention they've taken Yasha'Yah 11:6 completely out of context ("the youth shall lead them")