Tim, here. I'm a friend of Rob, who got me interested in YY a couple of years ago now.
While technically I am a Christian, owing to my Christening as an infant, I've never been an active Christian with regular Churchgoing etc. Firstly, because my family just didn't do that, but also because it never really felt natural to me and I couldn't get my head around the idea of worship. I grew up knowing Rob, who was an active Christian, and when he eventually moved out of Christianity a lot of what he was telling me about Yahweh made a lot more sense to me personally.
Honestly, I am here first and foremost to further my understanding of YY. For me, as time is going on and the nastiness around Israel gets worse, it adds a certain impending sense of dread to the whole Future History of the Tribulation, which scares me a lot in some ways.
Anyway: here I am! So hellooooo all.