SeekingYah's (welcome, btw!
) last statement pretty much nailed it on the head: "Furthermore, even if it were,
the Scriptural evidence still seems to support it" - this, I think, being the main thing that we should be seeking to understand: what does Scripture (and therefore Yahuweh Himself) say?
This shouldn't be a case of "Greek vs Hebrew" (which I know a lot of Messianic Jewish congregations like to boil it down to, even though they themselves usually don't know what exactly constitutes "Greek"), but a case of "What does Yahuweh say?"
I mean, how exactly do we determine what "Hebraic thought" is? The "Hebraic thought" at the time of Yahushua was quite divided - Sadducees didn't believe in the resurrection of the dead; the Essenes believed several other things we don't actually know; the Pharisees held onto their "Oral Torah" and subjugated the Hebrew populace to follow them; and the community that produced the Dead Sea Scrolls believed they had to segregate themselves from the world, and that there were two Messiah's on the way.
I've noticed over the years, that when people usually say "what's the Hebraic thought on this", what they
actually mean is "What did the Rabbi's say on this?" So as SeekingYah has confirmed, whatever this "Shaliach" thing is (again, I personally have no idea what's being talked about with that one), it is a purely Rabbinical term, and one that didn't exist (or at least was never used) when Yahuweh was sending out His Prophets; nor is it a term that Yahuweh Himself employs to talk about the Messiah.
Nevertheless, I'm very open to new ideas and discussions on things - but we need to keep it mainly to what Scripture says, rather than what we've read someone else saying about it all