Thank you all for your pursuit of righteousness, which is such an encouraging example. Although this particular issue does not affect me as it does you, trust in and reliYAHnce on our Savior concerns us all. Don’t you think that it shows a greater trust and dependence on Yahushua to NOT be physically circumcised? Doesn’t it more emphatically demonstrate that a person is placing ALL his trust in Yahushua – if he does not choose to be physically circumcised after he has already, through Yahushua, been spiritually circumcised?
When we are “baptized into His death” and given new spiritual life (born again), we consider ourselves having died with Him. We consider that all our sins (past, present, future) were imputed to Him – to the extent that we ourselves (our physical, sinful bodies) were crucified with Him. Wouldn’t it then be like circumcising dead flesh to go ahead and be physically circumcised? The Spirit gives life – this is the true life (John 10:10; 11:25) – the flesh (the physical life) profits nothing.
Doesn’t it more clearly demonstrate a lack of the true circumcision, when we succumb to excoriating and slandering others and shouldn’t this be of greater concern to us? We can and will disagree on points of physical Torah because we are all on different stages of the knowledge journey. But these disagreements should never end up in the lawlessness of violating the “royal law” (Matthew 7:12; 22:40, James 2:8). If they do, we should question whether our hearts have truly been circumcised.
Brother tagim – we who are older know a bit better how useless our physical bodies are because we are closer to shrugging them off! So, as we are trusting in the “temple made without hands” (Mark 14:58), the spiritual body of Yahushua, the circumcision done without hands is our trust, joy and imperishable inheritance. Yahushua alone is our boast.