Thanks Noel.
I too wish I had some comments on it. It can neither be improved or disproved if no one makes any comments on it, either here or to me in via private email.
want people to comment on it. I want it to be as critically scrutinised as possible by those who actually care whether the Messiah's (and Yah's) words are conveyed correctly to the world.
But herein lies the problem: if one has neither knowledge of Hebrew or Greek, how
are people capable of "checking" someones work based on these languages? How can someone say that "What Craig says about the Hebrew/Greek text is true", or that "What Stephen says about the Greek text is true", if they themselves have absolutely no clue about the source texts concerning which we speak?
Is having the Logos Original Languages Suite (OLS from here on) going to help in this regard? No, not really - because you require to have an actual
working knowledge of Hebrew and/or Greek and/or Aramaic to be able to use the books contained within. I mean, I seriously doubt that someone who gets the OLS is able to click on
A Greek-English Lexicon and immediately know where to begin, or in fact how to read the book itself (which is roughly 95% Greek, 5% English).
The point I want to make with the QPR is this: if the person reading them isn't capable of making a critical comment on it based on the Greek text,
then it is also impossible for that person to be able to have checked a single thing that QP says. And as the
Facebook Comments topic also proved, people also aren't capable of being able to check the Hebrew contained within YY or ItG either (especially those who actually own the OLS from Logos, further proving my point above).
So, the lack of comments on the QPR's can be down to the following: Not caring (when they should); being brainwashed into believing everything in QP, YY or ItG is true without a second thought; inability to read Greek, and therefore make an informed comment; fear, because it will require that the critical commenter will have something to counteract what's written based on their knowledge of Greek and/or Hebrew; they have yet to read QPR part 1, therefore Part 2 really shouldn't be commented on by them just yet; fear #2, because if someone publicly says they agree with my conclusion at the end, then they'll be open to extensive ridicule, name-calling, back-stabbing and private-group discussions that will be nothing but attacks on that persons character, rather than a discussion about their words.
There's probably a few more, but I'm more than certain that they're the main reasons.
There's a reason why this section of the forums is named "For All" -
Anyone can post here, anonymously if they wish, to convey their opinion. They don't have to join the forums - they could literally just post and call me a fool if they wish.
I essentially just want some sort of proof that they're more than just a handful of people out there who still have the ability to think for themselves, and who are actually
serious about wanting to find the truth of things, and not merely exchanging one lie for another.
Alas - the proof appears to not be in the pudding