As the nomen sacrum ΚΣ has no definite article (ο = Greek "the"), there is no reason to think that this is being used as a placement for the title, but rather a direct reference to Yahweh. ... [κα]ι πασα γλωσσα εξομολογησηται οτι (spelling corrected) [ ΚΣ Ι]ΗΣ ΧΡΣ εις δοζαν ΘΥ ΠΡΣ Could Κ...
Is the issue that there shouldn't've been enough time for Jonathan and David to meet after the servant had disappeared? My thinking is, if it was so easy for Jonathan just to send away his servant and anybody else of the Court who had joined the trip, then he and David wouldn't have needed to devel...
If I understand you right, since textual criticism can take us back to just around when LXX was made (~200BC) and since my hypothesis is about what happened to the text around 450 BC, too much would have happened in between to make the hypothesis interesting or falsifiable. 1 Samuel 20 and Jonathan'...
according as I did exhort thee to remain in Ephesus — I going on to Macedonia — that thou mightest charge certain not to teach any other thing, nor to give heed to fables and endless genealogies , that cause questions rather than the building up of God that is in faith Admittedly, the genealogies i...
You going to be doing the rest of the manuscript? Not anytime soon. Iirc, transcriptions of Daniel and part of Ezekiel have been published somewhere. It is still meaningsfull to make it available on-line, but I am not sure if those parts have that much text-critical value. On the third hand, it wou...
... αλειφομεναι εν σζ <μ> υρ <ν> ινω ελαιω και μηνας ... I think this is right. My mistake was to think that just because 40 % of the letters in the word are different from that in Ralph's LXX it had to be a different word. Not so. :lol: The σζ is not problematic. Just a little bit further down in t...
I've got a little puzzle here. Some of the characters are ambigous: ... ουτος δε ην καιρος κορασιου εισελθιν προς τον βασιλεα οταν επληρωσεν μηνας ιβ ουτως γαρ αναπληρουνται αι ημεραι της θεραπειας μηνας εξ αλειφομεναι εν .. and then.. α/ε/ο/σ ..then.. ζ/ξ ..then.. υ ..then.. σ/ο/ρ ..then.. ινωελαιω...
I need to learn a scandinavian language. I'm quite clueless on them at the moment (I do know 'no' in russian: Nyet :P ). No, you don't need to. Russian counts among the slavic languages and is rarely spoken in Scandinavia. I can think of three languages that could be called Scandinavian: Nordic (in...
Even I could recognize your reordered sentence as more natural... I read an opinion to the effect that the word order affect the sense in this case, so that everyone and not just Paul have to write εις before Θεος or else heis would function as an indefinite article.
ܡܨܥܝܐ ܕܝܢ ܠܐ ܗܘܐ ܕܚܕ ܐܠܗܐ ܕܝܢ ܚܕ ܗܘ ܀ Almost every bible translates the Greek of this expression so that the sense is: the mediator does not belong to one (person). KJV: Now a mediator is not [a mediator] of one , but God is one. ESV: Now an intermediary implies more than one , but God is one. NASB...
Do you see anything in the context that determines that the waw+perfects are any less a command than the imperfects? Nope. I was wondering if it was just the verbs ending with ן (nun) and the verbs in imperative form that represented commands. The author may have wished to avoid filling the entire ...
Nice paper! It is very helpful to read explanations of a translator's decisions. A question about 12:7: ואכלתם שם לפני יהוה אלהיכם ושמרתם בכל משלח ידכם אתם ובתיכם אשר ברכך יהוה אלהיך Why should ואכלתם be taken as a command? What I see is Qal-perfect of eat with waw-consecutive, making it imperfectiv...
Also, for it to mean "certain woman", the τινα would have to come before γυναικα, rather than after (it would also be considered an adjective, not a pronoun :)). There is such a thing as a "masculine nominative", but it wouldn't work for τινα in this verse, as everything in the ...
1 Corinthians 5:1 Ολως ακουεται εν υμιν πορνεια Actually, whoredom is heard of among you και τοιαυτη πορνεια ητις ουδε εν τοις εθνεσιν and such whoredom as is not even in the nations ωστε γυναικα τινα του πατρος εχειν. ... ? It is usually translated: so that a certain [man] has the father's wife. Th...
That is an impressive write-up. I think it is sound to question the books of the traditional canon from time to time and I can find this kind of reports interesting to read. It looks like it is an entry in a great debate, but I wonder where that debate came from and where it continues. When I read i...
Paul must have been really famous since there were so many people forging letters from him. I think it is a bit naive to think he managed to find so many people who were willing to forge his letters. I suspect he might have written some of them himself.